
Towards a New Culture of the Material, edited by Bauer, F., Kim, Y., Marienberg, S., Schäffner, W. 2024. Berlin: De Gruyter. (open access)

Stretching Materialities, edited by Stein, C., Blümle, C., Kim, Y., Le Calvé, M., Miodragović, N., Samuel, N., Winkler, C. 2024. Hamburg: adocs. Forthcoming.

Wearing Worlds 살림의 옷 in Arts of the Working Class Nr. 20, P.41, 03.2022

Stretching Hanbok, in Extended Reality – Code and Materiality in Art and
Culture: Catalog
, edited by Schürrer, D., Stark, M. Berlin: HTW/HU Berlin, 56-57, 09.2021

Conference Presentation

Try Walking in My Clothes: A Multimodal Inquiry into Engaging with Vital Energy, Gi
at European Association of Social Anthropologists / EASA2024: Doing and Undoing with Anthropology, Bacelona, 24.07.2024 

Alternatives to Design? : Salim and Jieum as Research Practice at Designwissenschaftliches Kolloquium – Raum für Experimente: Beispielsweise Gestalterisches Forschen, Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle, 12.01.2024

Wearing Matter? at Intercultural Views on Matter, Gemeinsamer Workshop des Exzellenzclusters mit der Akademie für Europäische Kulturen der Tongji Universität Shanghai, 28.06.2023

Can Qi flow through Pixels? 
at Responsible Fashion Series, University of Antwerp, 03.2023 

The Patchy Paths of the Stretching Senses School at the Royal Anthropological Institute Film Festival 2023- Online Conference, with Maxime Le Calvé, 08.03.2023 

Wearing Symbiosis and Flow: reimagining traditional Korean values as transformative method at European Association of Social Anthropologists conference (EASA2022: Transformation, Hope and the Commons), Queen’s University Belfast, 26-29.07.2022

Wearing Worlds: tacit modes of approaching plural ontologies at The comparative
anthropology of worlding,
A masterclass beyond disciplinary boundaries with Philippe Descola,
30.05. - 03.06.2022

Design anthropological exploration of the possible futures of digital self-expression at European Association of Social Anthropologists conference, Future Anthropologies Network panel "Futures Anthropology as Interventional Theory and Practice", 24.07.2020

Points in Making, with Frank Bauer at Tipping Points: Plastic, Contingent and Unstable Matters, the Annual Conference of the Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity«, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 16&17.11.2021

Workshop / Conference Organization

Heritage Practices Beyond the Human at Käte Hamburger Kolleg | Centre for Advanced Study inherit. heritage in transformation

On Design(ers), Anthropology, and Multimodal Ambivalences
in conversation with Imad Gebrayel at the Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

stretching senses school – scoring perspectives for speculative ethnography 
workshop and performance with Dorte Bjerre Jensen 
Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
organisation with Maxime Le Calvé

stretching senses s
chool – mycelium and neuronal forests
at InKüLe - Innovationen für die künstlerische Lehre, Universität der Künste Berlin
with Maxime Le Calvé, Paulina Greta and Natalija Miodragović, Dimitra Almpani-Lekka,

stretching senses school festival - VR Worldings for Planetary
at Tieranatomisches Theater with Maxime Le Calvé and Anne Delle, 23-

MoA Annual Conference Tipping Points: Plastic, Contingent and Unstable Matters, Cluster of
Excellence »Matters of Activity«, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Hybrid. Organisation with
Bauer, F., Guiducci, L., Hathroubi, S., Marienberg, S., Miodragović, N., Nestler, A., Rešetar, I.,
Winkler, C. and Paper Contribution “Points in Making” with Frank Bauer. 16&17.11.2021

Where does our knowledge come from? with Léa Perraudin,
at Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 05.2021

Share your Toolbox with Franziska Wegener and Frank Bauer,
at Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 16.03.2021


Research Seminar (ÜWP) Rubberboots, field notebooks, and maps: Transforming heritage through wetlands research, co-teaching with Margareta von Oswald. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Winter Semester 2024/25.

Guest Lecture Cosmotechnics and Diagrams, Master’s degree program,  Embodied Architectural Objects (Elaine Bonavia and Charlett Wenig), at Weißensee Academy of Art Berlin, 06. 2024. 

Guest Lecture On Fieldwork, Master’s degree program Open Design / Diseño Abierto para la
Innovación, at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU) and the Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA),
invitation from Maxime Le Calvé, 14.06.2022.

Guest critic, MA Design and Computation at Universität der Künste Berlin, invitation from Frank Bauer, 02.2022 

Guest Lecture In between Hanbok, Situated Digital Agencies (Frank Bauer)
at Universität der Künste Berlin, 06.2021

Guest Lecture Researching Collections (Magdalena Buchczyk)
at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 06.2021

Guest Lecture Wearing Pixels at Digital x Sustainability workshop (Beata Wilczek) with Design Akademie Berlin and Académie Libanaise des Beaux Arts Beirut, 11.09.2020


Exhibition Curation Stretching Materialities – Hidden Activities in Objects and Spaces with
Winkler, C., Blümle, C., Le Calvé, M., Miodragović, N., Samuel, N., Stein, C., and assisted by Trabandt, M.-L.,Ladik, L. at Tieranatomisches Theater, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin,16.09.2021 – 04.03.2022


Content contribution

Artery. A podcast on art, authorship and anthropology Season 2, Episode 2, Lee Ki-Yeon with Kim Yoonha, 20.10.2023 

Flow of Air storytelling input for Collactive Materials, Speculative Workshop Series “Futures of Air” - Breathing In, Breathing Out: Practices of Air, with Interdisciplinary Artist Monika Dorniak, 20.05.2023

Movement That Flows in “Movement that”, a project by Dongjoo Seo, 11.2021

Augmented Reality experience Stretching Hanbok as interdisciplinary research with Julien Letellier. Developers: Julien Letellier, Michael Droste, and Catherine Heyart. Exhibited at Extended Reality – Code and Materiality in Art and Culture, an interactive exhibition of the HTW – University for Applied Sciences Berlin’s INKA research group in cooperation with the Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity. Image Space Material« and the Media Theatre at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 3-30.09.2021

Stock, R., Dierichs, K., Bonavia, E., Zachow, S., Rodriguez, L., Le Calvé, M., Gholami, M. F., Kim, Y. Workshop »Sounding Invisible Boundaries. Experiments in Haptic Thinking«. Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity«, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Hybrid. 2.06.2021

Many Virtual Hanboks: Traditional Korean Garment Provoking Alternative Ways of Being in This World exhibited at ‘Multimedia Encounters: Experimental Approaches to Ethnographic Research’, Multimedia Anthropology Lab at University College London, 01.2021 

In between Hanbok exhibited at Field/Works: Kaleidoscopic Activities Between Anthropology and Art, Online, 2020 

Synthetische Medien WDR Zukunftsreport on Synthetic Media (Deep Learning, Generative Adversarial Networks, Natural Language Generation) with Third Wave, 2020